My story
My findings are based on years of research in nutrition and personal development. My quest to better health and well-being came about by having digestion problems starting at 12 years old. After many years I discovered that I respond to the “energy-signature” of food, environments, people.. It became a quest on for a lifestyle in which I could thrive instead of survive.
Food and Consciousness
At age 23 I started with detoxing, fasting and eating raw living foods. The impact of it was not only influencing by physical well-being but also my state of consciousness. I worked in a Raw Food Restaurant as a chef and practised and studied various types of energy work, sports and yoga.
Dark Nights of the Soul
There were periods of time in which I felt euphoric and there were periods of time with great turmoil and darkness. All of it, I chose to go through yet I found it very difficult, as often I felt completely mis-understood or unable to function “normally” in daily life. As I could not always predict in what processes I would be involved in and how long that would take. Always wanting to evolve or understand more, I went through a series of awakenings and initiations that have benefited my growth.
High Vibes
There were time periods of a few months that I lived alone and out in nature. I changed my diet and routine to little food and little sleep, lots of exercise, specific energy work and chilling-out. I went very high up in vibration where I felt amazing. Everything flowed. Happiness would bubble up from inside without reason. I could breathe with the trees, feel & smell people’s from meters away. I could fly into the universe, converse with the flowers and my inner all-knowing voice was teaching me about all things around me.
City life
Never the less, I didn’t succeed to incorporate this permanently. I didn’t realise the full consequences of rising ones sensitivity and awareness. I had also outgrown my environment and needed to manage my time and energy in a totally different way.
In my life I had learned to adapt, so I did. Ignoring my body and shutting down all my senses in order to survive. I became a city-living zombie. My outlook on life became negative. As a performer, I spend nightly hours working, eating unhealthy or not at all. Sometimes I had 3 different jobs next to performing and I also kept a busy sports practise. Apart from that, my relationships were far from peaceful and ordinary. I learned how to cope by taking short-cuts and caffeine.
I’m still recovering from my well succeeded self-destruction (burn-out), rebuilding up again from scratch. This time monitoring each step and working on limiting belief patterns, hidden in my own subconscious, that reflect themselves back into my life’s experiences. This period of “darkness” has showed me some of the root causes of societies grimness and disease and how it had nestled in me as well.
Healing & Spiritual wakening
Apart from my own experiences, people around me also had their turmoils and lessons to learn. All kinds of dis-balances and healing processes such as; depressions, psychosis, drug addiction, death, loss of own identity, changing of identity, heart-break, ADHD & ADD and whatever more which there are no words for. Often mis-understood by their environment, I served as a guide for some people who went through intense spiritual awakenings. Other people have guided me. It has shown me the complex functioning of our human existence. And it made me aware that many people are awakening to a bigger reality. Once you go, there is no turning back, and what ever darkness is still inside you (may it be this life or your past), it has to be transmuted.
Alchemy is for me a way to decode life and understand it’s cycles. There is nothing airy-fairy about this. It is based on the essence of nature and it incorporates the material and non-material worlds. It teaches us to look beyond the veils of illusion and have a bigger understanding of who we are and teaches us methods on how we can transform.
Nowadays I try to use all of these lived experiences (the good and the bad) combined with my growing understanding and sensitivity to create things that can benefit others as it has been benefiting me.
Family & Connection
The beautiful things that came about from this whole journey is that some special people came into my life whom I feel amazingly supported and uplifted and inspired by. The connections with them go deep and I call “my new family.” The connection I feel with plants and nature has grown a thousand fold and whenever I’m in nature it starts sharing it’s knowledge and heals me on many levels. My concept of what “love” is has expanded. I’d rather learn by downloading information than taking a course. I can see situations and people on many more levels than I did before, and I’m eager to find out what else is possible.
How Ormus started it all!
Ormus was my way in into Alchemy. As I was fasting and eating lighter, my connection to my body’s wisdom became very clear and strong. The inner knowing came that our body’s are also capable to function long periods without food. Meaning it can change to living of more subtle forms of energy. (A very controversial topic!) As I looked into my cupboard full of superfood powders (from the raw food cafe I worked). Some of them being beneficial and some of them I had no idea if it was doing something good at all… I wondered, what do I actually really need?
Nutrients for the Energy Body
I felt I need something completely different; nutrients that would strengthen my energy field. – Does that exist?
With this idea I found out about Ormus. It resonated. I ordered some online, tested it, felt results. I started making it myself and giving it to friends. Some loved it and had amazing experiences, some felt nothing from it. After 3 years of experimentation and feedback I feel it’s still it’s amazing. I’ve evolved and created my own energy signature blends. I personally like to use it certain periods of time or specific events. I’m incorporating Ormus in topical products too.