Shortly put; Ormus is an importent key element that should be in our nutrition naturally, that is lacking today.
Ormus is an alchemical extraction from sea salt, which increases the conduct of energy throughout your body and helps build and strengthen our aura and light-body.
On a physical level Ormus supplies your body with minerals. You may also call it; a life-force elixir, as it enhances the flow of life-force energy.
Ormus illuminates you from within. An Ormus elixir can bring healing, rejuvenation, cleansing, activation, harmonisation. Using Ormus can help to open your awareness to inner planes, uplift your overal vibration, clear blockages and bring in flow.
In all cases, Ormus helps to accelerate personal growth and transformation. There are different Ormus Elixirs for different purposes. Each Ormus elixir attunes you to a specific frequency. For more info, read the descriptions along side the products.
Use: You can take Ormus any time of the day but the best time is in the early morning before food, and late evening, and on an empty stomach.
The Ormus elixir bottle is packaged in a metal bag and it should be kept and stored in the metal bag to perserve the potency of the energy within the bottle.
Also do not let Ormus come into contact with metal such as metal spoons, as the substance will react with the metal and create toxins.
Take the bottle out for use, shake a little and add 1 to 2 droppers full (pipettes) into a small glass of purified water (not tapwater), or take sublingually (pour directly into your mouth. Before you take the Ormus take a moment to be present and connect with your breath and state an intention of where you’d like to focus on, or where you’d like your energy to be directed to. Then let it go.. and go about your day.
Ingredients: Ormus minerals, distilled water, colloidal gold, saffron, propolis, astragalus, rhodiola, reishi, vanilla, baltic amber, indium, alcohol, lemon, frankincense, grapefruit, essences
Disclaimer: This product is not meant to treat or diagnose disease. This product is meant to support your health and wellbeing.