Nervous system
The nervous system extends everywhere in your body and it seems wherever you apply the oil, it will charge your electrical system with new energy, which you will feel most strong where you’ve topically applied it, but it will also spread out further out.
Interesting effects happen when applied to the spine, particularly the base of the spine as well as the top of the spine (where the neck begins).
Hair, Roots, Scalp
A few drops applied to hair roots and scalp it stimulates hairgrowth and scalp health. A tiny bit applied in hair it will style your hair (when using natural haircare this is the case), makes it soft and strong, less frizzy and less likely to break.
Head & Brain
Applied to head as a massage it can bring peace and relaxation, also affecting the brain.
Energetically it can bring a deep healing on soul level, cleanse and clear your body and energyfield of lower vibrational energies and dis-ease.
Pain Inflammation
It may ease pain and inflammation in the body too.
The oil can also be ingested in very small amount, it will work as Ormus elixirs do.
Toothpaste / Oil pulling Oil
The ritual oil is also beneficial for oral care. Used together with your regular toothpaste, the Ritual oil may help teeth and gums. Apply a little to your toothbrush. Extended research is found online about all ingredients having healing properties for oral care. – Mixed with an other oil, it can be used as an oil pulling oil.
Ingredients: extra virgin olive oil, several kinds of salt minerals in M-state (ormus), frankincense, Myhrr (all organic)
About the Ingredients:
Olive oil
Olive oil, in the time of the Bible, was the sacred source of the anointing oil used to produce the light that would, in turn, light up the world. Later on in history the olive represented success and vitality—the essence of all things good. And both the Greeks and the Romans used olive oil as a cleanser, symbolising purity
Frankincense & Myhrr
.. info coming soon